Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Low Testosterone - It is Not just about Sex

It is estimated that over 4 million American men have low testosterone (hypogonadism). This is thought to be primarily responsible for impotence, depression, fatigue, excess body fat and osteoporosis.
Testosterone and DHEA (a precursor hormone for the manufacture of testosterone) slow production after the age of 40. Women have menopause and lose estrogen production over a relatively short period of time. For men, the production of testosterone continues to slow every year for the rest of their lives.
Testosterone is primary to maintain muscle mass
It is necessary for strong bones, to build cardiac muscle, promote coronary artery dilation and help regulate cholesterol. At low levels it may also play a part in the development of Alzheimer's.
Part of the balancing act of nature is that all men have some estrogen in their body and all women have some testosterone.
As testosterone levels drop, estrogen levels rise because of an aromatase enzyme which converts testosterone to estrogen which is stored in fat cells. It is a vicious cycle because the fat cells themselves create more estrogen. The more over weight you are, the more enzyme is produced and the more fat you put on and more stress is put on the liver. It is the liver's job to remove the excess estrogen from the body. Sadly, liver function also decreases as we age.
The brain detects the levels of estrogen and wrongly assumes that the corresponding level of testostrone is being produced - so that cuts down on the signals to produce more testostrone.
Increase Testosterone
Now you have to do something to increase testosterone. You have several choices. There are creams, gels, patches, injections, herbs and a few "miracle" cures.
According to Dr. Julian Whitaker -"...oral testosterone has the potential for liver dysfunction and a decrease in protective good cholesterol levels. He recommends that saw palmetto 120-360 mg daily to reduce the conversion of testosterone in dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Too much DHT has been linked to various health problems including prostate cancer."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Testosterone Therapy For Men - Pros and Cons

A man's body starts losing its normal Testosterone level after crossing 40 years of age. That time they need some treatment, be it some replacement therapy, taking some herbal supplements or going for anabolic steroids. But which one will work best for which case that can only be determined by a medical expert and nobody else.
Only the age is not the only factor that indicates the Testosterone deficiency. The age at which Testosterone deficiency will occur can vary from person to person. There are other changes that indicate when Testosterone deficiency occurs and those changes are mentioned below.
o Decreasing muscle strength and mass
o Changes in cholesterol levels
o Mild Anemia or decrease in hemoglobin
o Changes in lipid levels
o Energy deficiency
o Mood variation
o Less sexual interest
When any of these symptoms or combination of these symptoms occurs that time men can go for some therapy to increase the normal Testosterone level.
There are some pros and cons of all the therapies are available.
- Therapy restores sexual function.
- Prevents bone loss
- Protects from heart disease
- Improve muscle strength
- Energy deficiency disappears
- Improve the quality of skin and hair
- Improve sexual desire
- Improve cognitive functions
- Decrease depression and irritability
- Develop benign growth of prostate and cause urinary problems.
- Can develop prostate cancer in some cases.
- Enlargement of breasts or gynecomastia.
- Can develop breast cancer.
- Cause testicular atrophy.
- Can limit sperm production or can cause infertility
- Can cause fluid retention, skin reaction, baldness, sleeping disorder and acne.
So one should consider these pros and cons before going for any therapy for treating Testosterone deficiency.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Safest Treatments For Low Testosterone Levels

Both men and women naturally produce testosterone and the production of testosterone declines in all persons with age, especially after 30. Decreasing testosterone levels cause several physical changes in the body. Some of the symptoms of reduced testosterone levels include: Body fat gain (particularly abdominal), Loss of lean muscle tissue, Bone loss, Hair loss, Wrinkling and drying of skin, Fatigue, Decreased libido and Erectile dysfunction (ED). But do not get discouraged, today there are a variety of testosterone replacement therapies which can increase your testosterone levels back to a normal range. benefits of testosterone therapy include the following: Increased sexual potency and frequency, Lowers cholesterol levels, Increased energy, stamina and endurance, Improved mental functioning and ability, Improves mood and feeling of well-being, Protects against heart disease, Improved concentration and focus, Increased muscle strength and mass.
Commonly, as most men age and testosterone levels swoon, men experience mood swings, become irritable and experience a loss of energy, strength and stamina. Fortunately, individuals with lowered testosterone levels have several treatment options. The market is flooded with a variety of testosterone pills, creams and injections. When taken under a doctor's supervision, nearly all of these treatments are effective in treating low testosterone levels. Testosterone replacement therapy for men is comparable to estrogen replacement therapy for women, but both therapies come with minimal risks.
Testosterone pills are available both in synthetic and natural forms. Synthetic testosterone pills will raise testosterone levels and they offer all of the benefits of increased testosterone levels. But synthetic pills can become quite toxic, especially to the liver and can greatly increase the chance of some pretty serious side effects. Many users experience nausea, swelling in the extremities, unpleasant yellowing of the skin and embarrassingly painful erections.
For many man, natural pills are the preferred option to enhance testosterone levels. The essential difference between the natural and synthetic options is simple. The synthetic pills attempt to replace your missing testosterone without increasing your body's own ability to produce the hormone. Natural pills do not replace the missing testosterone, they simulate your body to increase its own production of testosterone.
Some high quality, 100% all natural, supplements are backed with extensive clinical research. Natural testosterone pills are developed from naturally occurring herbal or botanical extracts which have the capacity to stimulate your body's own production of testosterone and that can really rejuvenate your sex life as well!
The increased testosterone levels produced by quality natural supplements will help you gain lean muscle and reduce your body fat. They will also help improve sleep quality, enhance mental alertness and elevate your mood. These supplements provide a safe and popular way for men to boost sagging testosterone levels.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Depression Is Caused by Low Testosterone Levels

Depression can be a real consequence of low testosterone levels because not only does testosterone produce the drive and energy for our sexuality, fertility and body features including the muscle mass that we need, it is also the driving force behind our energy levels and achievement in life. Men with high levels of testosterone have high senses of achievement and they push themselves harder, having a more aggressive outlook on life. It is simply not possible for a man with a higher normal testosterone level to have a depressed outlook on life - it is not remotely possible. Indeed, it is the low levels of testosterone that lead him to despair, and to shut out life and outside connections, to refrain from the exercise needed to keep depression at bay.
Depression is the most serious of mental illnesses because it is the most widespread, and yet exercise rather than anti-depressant drugs is the simple and most effective cure. The reason why exercise works where drugs rarely do is that the exercise rebuilds the testosterone level back towards normal. And the old adage that the more we earn the more we spend is equally true to the more we do the more we want to do. Avoiding depression is no more difficult than adopting a healthy diet of organically grown foods which don't have the poisons, chemicals and additives that food corporations use and which inhibit testosterone production, as well as maintaining a regular daily dose of diet supplements including testosterone boosters and finally, doing some short-burst and intense muscle-burning exercise to tell the brain you need more testosterone to deal with the stress of the intense exercise. You will soon feel much healthier mentally not just because of the sense of achievement from the exercise - in fact you will feel healthier because you just got a hit of free testosterone triggered by your brain.

Life Extension And Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone has been used for years to treat men with abnormally low testosterone levels. In fact, there's even a name for this condition. It is called male hypogonadism.
However, these days healthy, older men are taking testosterone in its various forms as a way of coping with waning testosterone levels to keep their sex drive going and as a life extension drug. In fact, last year, pharmacies filled 2.4 million prescriptions for testosterone or about twice as many prescriptions as were filled in 2000.
The long-term effects
While testosterone may be a good way for aging men to extend or revive libido (sex drive), there has been no long-term study of its benefits vs. possible risks, which could include infertility and prostate problems.
The controversy that has emerged over testosterone therapy is whether gradually declining testosterone levels are natural - as a result of the aging process - or a medical condition.
The aging process
What is known is that the male body normally begins to produce less testosterone beginning about age 40. Testosterone is the main male hormone responsible for maintaining muscle mass and strength, fat distribution, bone mass, sperm production, sex drive, and potency. This means that as it declines, so does muscle mass and strength, energy, cognitive function sex drive and potency.
In other words, the presence or absence of testosterone is a major factor in aging.
The good news is that for most men, testosterone will decline but will still remain within the normal range throughout the rest of their lives, causing no problems.
The medical problem
However, about 20% of men age 60 an older, will have testosterone levels below the normal range - or testosterone deficiency. If you feel you fall into this 20%, you should definitely talk to your doctor about your signs and symptoms.
Given what testosterone does for men, it is only natural to think that testosterone therapy would help in life extension. And this may well be
However, you might want to wait until more is known about the long-term risks of testosterone therapy before asking your doctor for a prescription.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Link Between Low Testosterone and Headaches

Recently, in one of my nursing classes, I was given a small revelation and that is there is a relationship between the incidence of migraine headaches and age. Our teacher pointed out that people over the age of 55 rarely experience migraine headaches. He said that this is because the incidence of migraine is related to hormones and hormone change. I was then reminded of my times in the ER. I recalled that in my years in there, I have not seen anyone, male or female, above 55 who complained about experiencing migraines. Then I surmised that hormones and hormone change must really have something to do with the occurrence of migraine headaches.
Now I understand why my periodic migraine and that of my husband radically diminished when we both began to use hormone creams that I produce namely, Prosperon for men and Prosperine for women. It now makes perfect sense. What these creams do is increase the male hormone testosterone among men and the female hormone progesterone among women. The creams diminishes the hormone estrogen in both sexes. We started using the creams to balance out hormones and boost our libido. We didn't have an idea that it would help in reducing our migraines. It was really an unexpected benefit that we were happy to obtain. Our case is a first hand verification of the relationship between migraines and testosterone levels.
Apart from diminishing our migraine headaches, the creams also boosted our energy levels. Dr; John Lee says that the natural progesterone is beneficial for libido, osteoporosis, allergies, brain health and even in toning the skin. One thing is for sure though. We're happy that out migraines is now a thing of the past.
Let me add that migraines are also reduced when people avoid stress and limit their intake of sugar and processed foods. Migraine can also be triggered by changes in the weather which we have little control of. What we now know though is that we can do something about migraine headaches and one of them is to use an all-natural hormone cream.

Avoid Low Testosterone Levels

Are you more than 30 years of age? Have you lately been unhappy and depressed? Do these questions irritate you? If yes, then you are probably suffering from low testosterone levels. This poses a serious threat to your mental and physical health. Its not only about sexual performance, it can make your life unbearable by leading to many complications. Read on to find more about ways to deal with this.
What is Andropause?
Men usually face some serious health concerns as they cross the ago of 30. This is marked by andropause, which implies a significant decrease in their testosterone levels. This leads to several biological disorders that eventually lead them to depression and sex-related complications.
These disorders include erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, mood swings, loss of physical stamina, muscle wastage, abnormal fat accumulation, insomnia, memory loss etc. These are serious issues in a most of elderly men and they go largely unnoticed.
How to Prevent These Disorders?
Fortunately, due to the recent scientific and technological advancements it is now possible to cope up with the side effects of andropause. Today countless people all over the world are leading a happy and active sex life even in their late 50s by taking herbal supplements that increase your testosterone levels.
These supplements have zero side effects and they are clinically proven to help cure the aging related complications in your life.
Loss of Testicular Function
It is stated by a number of authority medical journals that low testosterone levels may ultimately result in loss of testicular function. This recent finding exposes the serious threat that stands before more than 40% of men above the ages of 35.
Things to Keep in Mind
If you are 30-35 years of age or above, it is recommended that you follow these guidelines.
• Be vigilant and keep a note of your age related problems.
• Get your testosterone levels checked from a licensed laboratory.
• Avoid drugs as they cause many side effects.
• Research before buying any herbal products online.
• Develop healthy living habits.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Facts About Testosterone Production

Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testes. It is responsible for male sexual development during puberty, as well as muscle growth and strength. Testosterone production naturally decreases with age. Beginning at around the age of 25 and sometimes decreasing as much as 10% per decade.
Sometimes a man's testosterone level becomes lower than what is normal for his age. This can be caused by many factors and the effects of a low testosterone level can be very disturbing.
One of the effects of low testosterone is a decrease in sexual desire or libido. Noticing this, a man may try aphrodisiacs or think that he is no longer attracted to his partner. Depending on the age of the man, a decrease in testosterone production may be the actual problem.
A low testosterone level can be corrected. There is a school of thought today that says that our hormones do not decrease because we age, but that we age because our hormones decrease.
Noticing an increase in fatigue or a lack of energy, a man may think that he is just getting older, but these things could be caused by a decrease in testosterone production. A low testosterone level could be the culprit. The good news is that the effects of low testosterone can be reversed to a large degree for many people.
Feeling sad, depressed or nervous, a man may think that he needs a prescription for an anti-depressant or an anti-anxiety medication. If the actual problem is reduced testosterone production, then medications like these will only make other symptoms (like sexual dysfunction) worse.
Some products may actually increase testosterone production. Athletes and body-builders have long known the effects of low testosterone on their strength, endurance and over all performance.
Because of this, they and their trainers have experimented with nutritional supplements and herbal products like tribulus terrestris and avena sativa. Their experience has proven to be beneficial to the "average", non-athlete, non-body builder who just wants to feel "normal".
There is even a correlation between low levels of testosterone and heart disease in men.
If you think that you may be suffering from the effects of low testosterone or reduced testosterone production, consult your doctor. A simple blood or saliva test will compare your testosterone level to what is normal for your age and a treatment plan can be devised.
Testosterone replacement therapy may not be necessary. Studies have shown that testosterone production can be increased naturally by a variety of means.
But if you are suffering from a more serious condition associated with low testosterone, such as andropause, you may need prescription strength testosterone.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Consequences of Low Testosterone

The person who coined the phrase that fat people are happy was a liar and a fool. Fat people suffer much shorter lives, and the lives they do live are barely at all satisfying and probably stems from a testosterone deficiency that has greatly reduced their motivation and ability to live the sort of active life that creates increased muscle mass and reduced body fat levels. Not only is obesity and excess weight a very serious health risk, it brings on many other horrific diseases including heart and circulation problems, diabetes and premature death. Besides all of that, excess fat is a terrible look too.
The question the research has yet to uncover is which one comes first. Do people who are too fat have lower testosterone produced because they are fat, or is people who produce less testosterone the ones who then get fat. In other words, which one came first - the chicken or the egg? Generally the accepted wisdom is that there can both either cause that begins the downward spiral into a lifestyle of lack and early death. For example, a person with emotional issues who relies on comfort-food will first get fat and also will avoid living a busy lifestyle which later leads to lower levels of hormone production because the body only ever produces that amount needed by the body to sustain the life being lived.
On the other hand, there are many factors which can cause the level of hormones being produced to fall too low, mostly being the chemical additives and preservatives the large corporates have poisoned our processed foods with, as well as the pollutants in our air and water and the greatly reduced exercise levels our technological lives have brought to us since the industrial revolution.
The simple fact is that low levels of testosterone will have consequences, and none of them are pretty.

Low Testosterone Levels and Simple Cures

Could you be suffering from low testosterone? If you are a man, and have symptoms of low energy, decreased muscle mass, irritable mood swings, low sexual libido, or general feeling of fatigue, then you may have a low testosterone level and should have yourself checked by a doctor. Here are some of the causes and cures.
Testosterone is a hormone produced in the testicles of men, and is the primary hormone responsible for muscle growth and other male characteristics such as the deep voice, wide chin, broad shoulders, etc. as compared to women. It is also necessary to maintain a healthy sex life for men, since getting an erection is dependant on a sustainable level of testosterone.
When males are young and healthy, their testosterone levels are maintained at a pretty steady level of between 350 and 1230 nanograms per deciliter of blood. This is the average for adult males, and can vary of course due to diet, exercise, genetics, and other situations such as habits of smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. As men age however, it is a fact that their testosterone levels decrease steadily with age, going down by about 2-5% per year starting at age 30 or so. By the time a man is in his 70's he has a small percentage of testosterone left, which normally accounts for the great loss of muscle mass in older men.
So what are the main causes of testosterone loss in men, besides age? If a man is experiencing low testosterone it can be from one of several reasons, either a chronic illness such as liver disease or kidney failure, possible cancer of the prostate, certain drugs or medications he is taking, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, or even stress which is a factor most men aren't familiar with. If you feel any of the symptoms described earlier it is critical that you see your doctor right away as the only accurate test can be done by a blood sample taken by your doctor or medical practitioner.
Treatments include injections which can be administered by anyone (including self-administered), a testosterone gel or a patch which is applied to the scrotum, and in some cases even tablets taken orally. Depending on the severity level of the testosterone loss, your doctor will recommend the best course of action. Having a normal level of testosterone in men is not only a physical necessity, but in many cases also good for a mans mental function as well. Some men even experience depression due to low testosterone levels.
There are however natural ways to help boost your testosterone levels, by taking over the counter drugs such as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) which is a hormone produced in the body and is a pre-cursor to testosterone and as such converted to testosterone in the body. Scientists have known about this drug for many years and have tested it to find that is decreases as a person ages, therefore seems to run in parallel to other sex hormones such as testosterone. Before taking this in large doses speak with your doctor as it can disrupt normal hormonal balance, however tests have shown it to be safe at doses of about 50 MG per day in most studies.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Importance of Testosterone in Men

Have you ever heard of male menopause? It results from decreased levels of testosterone. This chemical is the major male hormone. Reduced testosterone can contribute to everything from diabetes to high blood pressure to obesity, all common in men older than 45.
Testosterone is produced by the testes. It normally does reduce during aging, but in some conditions especially if the testes are damaged there can be a rapid decrease.
If you damage the testes via injury, infection, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation, there may be impairment to testosterone production. This production is also mediated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the brain.
If you have problems in the hypothalamus or pituitary gland, you can also end up with lower testosterone than you should have. They may not send the proper signals to regulate production.
Very low testosterone levels can cause symptoms that are similar to women's menopause experiences. These include depression, fatigue, muscle weakness, less libido, erectile dysfunction, and so on. Men who have a testosterone deficiency may even experience osteoporosis.
When a man experiences a severe deficiency, they can receive hormone replacement therapy. Most men don't need this though, as they have a very gradual reduction in levels due to aging.
Hormone replacement therapy is only used in extreme cases because it increases risk of prostate cancer. If your doctor does decide that hormone therapy is right for you, you may receive oral medication, implants, patches or injections.
It's more likely that your doctor will treat symptoms of lower levels such as depression. You may be given anti-depressants. You may also be advised to make some lifestyle changes that will help keep your weight under control, like a healthy diet and an exercise regimen.

Low Testosterone Levels- Avoid These 5 Deadly Mistakes

 Do you have low testosterone levels? If so, I feel for you.
Because I know what it's like.
I know how the libido goes out the window, the drive and motivation disappear, and the zest for life?
Well, let's just say it can be tough to get off the couch when the T tank is empty.
You see, testosterone to a man, is like fuel to car.
Without the gas, you're not going anywhere!
You can read stacks of motivational books, and chant affirmations into the mirror until you're red in the face, but it's not going to do you one bit of good!
In reality, you have one option, and one option only!
You've got to get your testosterone levels back up where they belong!.
Let's talk about how to do that right now!
Low Testosterone Levels?
Unless you're past the age of 60, your low testosterone levels are caused by one thing.
Yup! It's poor decisions, you're making on a day to day basis, that are decimating your male hormone levels.
I'm going to list the top five right now.
Take this information seriously, make some changes, and you just may turn your life around!
Excessive use of Drugs & Medications!
If you're taking any type of drug or medication, please raise your hand!
I knew it!
Think about this...
Almost two-thirds of all Americans currently use some form of drug or medication.
If you're regularly using drugs, and think they're not effecting your sex drive, think twice.
Even common aspirin reduces testosterone levels in men.
Here are a few of the worst offenders...
Antidepressant psychiatric medications, including Elavil, Valium, and Prozac.
Antihypertensive and diuretics.
Antihistamines including, Dramamine, Antivert, and Benadryl.
Opiate analgesics (painkillers) such as Demerol, Oxycontin, and Codeine.
And a few more for good measure, including.....
Propecia, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid AC, and Ibuprofen.
Drinking Alcohol in Excess!
Studies of heavy drinkers have shown that alcohol directly suppresses testosterone levels in men.
And the more alcohol you drink, the worse it gets.
Chronic Alcohol abuse is associated with altered levels of all male reproductive hormones, not just testosterone.
Now, I'm not saying you need to quit entirely, you just need to drink smart.
What is smart!
10 beers in a sitting isn't smart. A couple is.
A full bottle of wine on an empty stomach isn't smart. A couple of glasses with dinner is.
Failure to Exercise!
When you exercise the right way, your body will reward you by releasing human growth hormone, and testosterone into your blood stream.
What is the right way to exercise?
Weight training that uses several large muscles at the same time.
Think squats, lunges, and bench press.
High intensity, short duration exercises such as sprints, jump squats,
running stairs, and jump rope.
The get this hormonal release you need to surpass the lactate threshold.
You'll know when you've arrived when you feel that burn
in your legs while churning out the last few rep of your routine.
Here are a few more facts on exercise!
Researchers at the University of VA measured male growth hormone levels of cyclers after an all out 30 second sprint.
These sprints increased HGH levels by a whopping 530% over baseline.
Endurance training, has a different hormonal effect. It leads to increased cortisol and low testosterone levels.
Failure To Reduce Male Estrogen Levels.
How do you know if you have elevated estrogen levels? Take a look at your body.
Do you have fleshy hips and thighs, and a round soft belly? Are you developing gyno, or male breasts.
If so, you need to reduce your estrogen levels.
How do you do it?
Reduce body fat
Reduce your chemical exposure.
Gas fumes, diesel fuel, perfumes, dyes, paints, solvents, detergents all have
chemicals that mimic estrogen in your body.
Switch to unscented natural products, and make changes in your
daily routine to avoid exposure to these chemicals.
Reduce consumption of estrogenic foods, especially soy products.
Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.
Failure to get 7-8 hours of Quality Sleep Nightly!
Make a few changes in your sleep patters, and you'll kick start your testicles into producing more testosterone.
Poor sleep habits can have a devastating impact on T levels, especially, if the habits are chronic.
Several studies have show that when sleep levels decline, so do T levels.
The sweet spot for most men falls somewhere between 7-8 hours.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Viagra Is No Resolution of Low Testosterone Issues

DAVCK5K42GHD Boosting testosterone is more important to dealing with erectile dysfunction than any little blue Viagra pill can deal with. Viagra cannot make a penis erect unless all the other things emotionally and mentally are also excited too. That is, taking the pill will not produce an erection by itself - all the normal things that lead to an erection must also be present. And men with a low testosterone level probably don't have the emotional and mental interest in sex to make the difference when taking the little blue pill. Said another way, by dealing with the low levels of testosterone, there is probably no need to take Viagra because an increased level of testosterone will lead to a greater sexual motivation, interest, desire and inclination. Further, when the man has a healthy level of testosterone he will be more active and motivated in all other areas of his life and he will regain his lost muscle-mass, lose the extra body fat and generally be fitter and healthier.
When men address their testosterone level naturally with a proper and organic diet, testosterone boosting diet supplements and the proper exercise then all those issues that were compounding to affect the erectile function disappears and his level of sexual function returns to normal. The alternative of taking Viagra fails to resolve the underlying causes of erectile dysfunction and while they may work to pump blood to the penis to give the appearance of an erection, they mask the other health issues which can be ignored and lead to more rapidly worsening of the situation.
Not only is Viagra much more expensive and needing a doctor's prescription, the real danger is that men will not deal with the real issues caused by low testosterone. Deal with the low testosterone and the total health of men will be resolved for the long-term.

Low Testosterone Levels- Supplements Will Help

Sex drive pills are one product that is becoming increasingly popular with the male population. With the natural decrease in the testosterone levels after the age of 30 in the male body, most men face obstacles such as lack of sexual drive, continuous fatigue, loss of lean muscle mass, erectile dysfunction and increase of abdominal fat. Many experiments have been conducted over the decades to overcome these problems. Several artificial means of increasing testosterone levels in the human male body through the intake of the sex drive tablets, patches, gels, and shots have been discovered.
Most men make use of these artificial ways to increase their libido. With decrease in testosterone levels, along with the male menopause (andropause) setting in, many middle-aged men turn to these methods of artificially increasing their libido, thereby leading a satisfying sex life. Most of these sex drive pills are made of natural ingredients. The natural pills are a good alternative to prescription drugs as they help in eliminating the unwanted and sometimes harmful side effects. Most prescription-based libido pills consist of chemicals that cause side effects like aggression, continuous fatigue, testicular atrophy, loss of appetite, bloating or water retention, and wild mood swings, among other things. Natural sex drive pills do not have these side effects.
The herbal sex drive pills are made using natural and ancient herbs that have been used for the same purposes over the centuries. Some natural ingredients used in the making these pills are Catuaba Bark, Macuna Pruriens, Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali Extract, Tribulus Terrestris, and Rhodiola Rosea. These herbs have been proved effective.
Some natural ways for increasing your testosterone levels are:
• Exercising - The sex drive pills not only help you keep in shape, but also boosts your libido. A small amount of time dedicated to exercising can work wonders for your sex life.
• Sleep - getting enough of sleep is crucial. Your body not only gets the much-required rest, but it also makes you feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
• De-stressing - Keeping your stress levels low by meditation, yoga, music, swimming, or any other means through which you feel relaxed not only helps in keeping your heart healthy, but also keeps you free from stress.
• You should also increase the intake of omega 3 fatty acids and zinc in your diet.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Treat Low Testosterone

Have aging on your mind? As each January 1st passes we are all reminded of how it physically and psychologically affects the aging process. As each of us reflects upon the previous year, we make resolutions for things we want to accomplish in the next 12 months. Weight loss tends to top the list of New Year resolutions, and illustrates the physical and psychological aspects of entering a new calendar year. Thoughts of health, and at times, vanity enter the minds of many. Let's look at the impact of men.
In the minds of many, there is a Norman Rockwell picture painted of men aging gracefully, growing more distinguished and wiser with age. For millions of men over 35, they find themselves a silent victim of declining hormone levels and too often feel like shadows of their youth. It doesn't have to be this way.
Low testosterone in men has a similar effect on the body and the psyche as low estrogen levels do in women. Society has known about the impact of low estrogen levels on women and the official diagnosis of a 'menopause,' for decades, but not until recent years has the term 'male menopause,' or as it is more medically known as, 'andropause' been a word in the American vernacular.
If you're not familiar with it yet, let me introduce you to andropause.
Andropause is caused by declining male hormones levels -- in particular with testosterone levels, which peaks in a man's 20's and around ages 26-28 starts a lifelong decline. By age 35 most men can notice a decrease in testosterone levels. Most estimates concur that 4 out of 5 men over the age of 40 have low testosterone levels.
For years men have considered the hormone-related changes in their body as normal, and to an extent these declining male hormone levels are normal because no man avoids it. So many things can be tied back to hormones that impact daily life. Consider this, what if you could safely restore your hormone levels to ones similar to your youth? Think about it, testosterone levels impact so many of the things you do and experience on a daily basis. From your overall energy and mood, to the 'age related' weight around your tummy, to decreased desire for intimacy with your partner at night. Just like hormones affect women, hormones affect men.
Think about the question, what is male menopause? There's over a dozen symptoms of andropause and maybe a few are a little too close for comfort for most men over 35. Most men can dismiss irritability and mood swings to stress and memory loss to age. Maybe increased body fat, low energy and muscle loss can be attributed to more sedentary lifestyles on the job. Speaking of your job, lost some of that spark in your career? Don't have the passion to complete just one more proposal before you go home at night? Speaking of passion, what about your partner? Is your sexual passion still there physically? How about mentally? Staying in the bedroom, when you're in bed at night have you noticed night sweats? Worst, is your passion for life diminished, or feel like you have the signs of depression?
Have just a few of the above symptoms and you might very well be experiencing decreases in hormone levels. It doesn't have to be this way and it is reversible through male hormone therapy. Male hormone therapy is safe when conducted in a controlled environment. Specifically you should be under a doctor's care that specializes in hormone levels and treating imbalances. The first step to treat male hormone deficiencies is to get your hormone levels tested by a doctor. If you are a candidate for treatment the doctor will help you create a program designed to safely replenish your hormone levels. To ensure the program is effective and safe, periodic testosterone level testing will need to occur.
What's your resolution going to be this year? If you have the ability and the interest, learning more about male hormone treatment might be the best resolution you'll ever make.

About Low Testosterone and Aging

Obviously, we all age. However, some people age more gracefully than others. One important reason people appear to age more rapidly than others is the level of their testosterone. At about age thirty, our testosterone level begins to decline at about 2 percent per year.
That means that by age 50, most men are producing 40 percent less testosterone than they were at age thirty. And, the testosterone production in males at age thirty is not as high as at puberty.
People with low testosterone or suffering testosterone deficiency (TD) will appear to physically and mentally age faster than someone who has higher testosterone. Low testosterone hinders the body unable to maintain our primary sex characteristics, like the penis, the scrotum, the testicles and the seminal vesicles, and our secondary sex characteristics like muscle growth, fat distribution, hair loss and others. TD also can contribute to memory loss, and the inability to concentrate.
Testosterone deficiency can occur at even earlier ages and be caused by conditions other than normal aging. Disease, damage to the hypothalamus, pituitary gland or testicles that inhibit hormone secretion and testosterone production can cause low testosterone.
Normally testes produce testosterone through a complex chain of signals that begin in the brain. This chain reaction is commonly known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. If this chain is disrupted in any way, the production of testosterone is affected.
The good news is that if you suffer low testosterone caused by an outside influence or simply by normal aging, there is an all-natural cure. That cure is the Tongkat Ali Extract, which if taken in a regular cycle will increase the production of bound and free testosterone.
The Malaysian extract is a bit of a natural wonder in that it provides so many benefits as it has done for the people of Southeast Asia for centuries. Persons suffering erectile dysfunction, low libido, poor circulation, lack of energy or signs of rapid aging are turning to Tongkat Ali for help.
The extract has gained so much notoriety as an aphrodisiac and a cure for erectile dysfunction that users forget that regular boosts to testosterone levels is beneficial to the entire anti-aging process.
Think what doses of estrogen do for women who do not want to show the signs of aging. Regular use of Tongkat Ali can have the same impact on males who want to slow the symptoms of aging and restore their libido while increasing the functionality of primary and secondary sex characteristics.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Functions of Testosterone

Testosterone is an anti aging hormone in men that is responsible for many other functions apart from defining sexual characteristics and drive in men. This hormone which also known as anabolic steroid regulates basic body metabolism, stimulates red blood cell production and hinders the excessive production of free radicals. It also facilities protein synthesis and build up of lean body tissue. Unlike most other hormones testosterone exerts its effect by quickly passing through the membranes of cell and binding itself to the specific activation site of the DNA.
Testosterone is produced by small group of specialized cells within the testicles. Production is triggered through the simulation of these cells by the luteinizing hormones from the pituitary gland. As with most hormones the level of testosterone is monitored by hypothalamus in the brain. If testosterone levels exceeds certain value then hypothalamus issues a command to stop secreting luteinizing hormones and in their absence testosterone production comes to a halt. Such is the complex process of testosterone production.
High levels of testosterone are associated with balding and overtly aggressive behavior. Sometimes high levels of this hormone may be a factor in causing prostate cancer. Further too much of this hormone can cause blood to thicken and red blood cells to clamp together. This can place a man at a greater risk of stroke and heart attack.
With age the levels of testosterone slowly decreases. From the age of 30 there is a 1% to 2% reduction in testosterone levels till the age of 70. The decrease in levels of this hormone may vary depending on the individual and may produce menopausal like conditions in some men. Many men who are above 80 years of age have abnormally low testosterone levels. Men with low levels of this hormone have diminished sex drive and have difficulty in maintaining erection. They may become lethargic, withdrawn and may loose strength and physical endurance. Body composition also changes with low levels of this hormone and the lean muscle is replaced with fat.

Get on Top of Your Low Testosterone Level

There's more to life than going to the gym - but if you are going to the gym for the first time after an absence of a few years, then it can be a terrible experience of pain and frustration. One fact that is not widely known is the technique of boosting your testosterone levels first before you start going to the gym, and that by boosting your testosterone levels, you will not only have much faster and greater success at building muscle - you will not find it so hard and difficult. In fact you will probably enjoy it to a reasonable degree. It's all about testosterone levels and getting your brain to cause your testes to produce more before you waste money at the gym.
The simple trick is to do a few minutes a day of high intensity muscle-burning weights such that your body tells your brain that it is under stress and that it needs more testosterone. When the brain gets this message, it simply reacts by making more testosterone, and let's face it - when our body is out of shape, we really don't need to do much to make our muscles burn from stress.
The point is that with a few short minutes each day, we can cause our brain and body to increase the levels of testosterone we have available for heavier workloads, and after doing this routine daily for a few weeks, we will have a much higher level of testosterone in our blood ready for when we do join the gym. It's always better in life to do things the smart way rather than the hard way. This is certainly extra true when it comes to managing our testosterone levels because if we don't get it right, we risk damaging our commitment and quitting the right decision to get fit.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Closer Look at Testosterone Deficiency

Testosterone deficiency, also known as hypogonadism, is a condition in which the testes are unable to produce enough testosterone to fulfill the body's needs. Testosterone deficiency has many possible causes, including genetic abnormalities, injury to the testes, and being on certain medications. Normal aging also may play a role in the decline of male testosterone levels. It is also known as low testosterone.
The testes produce testosterone regulated by a complex chain of signals that begins in the brain. This chain is called the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The hypothalamus secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) to the pituitary gland in spurts, which trigger the secretion of leutenizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland. This hormone stimulates the Leydig cells of the testes to produce testosterone. Normally, the testes produce 4-7 milligrams (mg) of testosterone each and every day.
After puberty, testosterone production increases rapidly, and will decrease rapidly after age 50. Recent estimates show that approximately 13 million men in the United States experience testosterone deficiency and less than 10-percent receive treatment for the condition, which is growing in cultural acceptability.
Studies also have shown that some men with obesity, diabetes, or hypertension may be twice as likely to have low testosterone levels, though as stated, low testosterone and testosterone deficiency can be caused by taking certain medications, chemotherapy, infections and other basic causes.
Signs of testosterone deficiency depend on the age of onset and the duration of hormonal deficiency. Congenital testosterone deficiency is usually characterized by underdeveloped genitalia, and sometimes even undeterminable genitalia. Acquired testosterone deficiency that develops near puberty can result in enlargement of breast tissue (gynecomastia), sparse or absent pubic and body hair, and underdeveloped penis, testes, and muscle. Adults may experience diminished libido, erectile dysfunction, muscle weakness, hair loss, depression, and other common mood disorders.

Testosterone Therapy

Many physicians in the past had generally administered one 200- 300 mg. dose of T every 21 days, but actually a 50 mg dose twice a week is more efficient therapeutically. Assuming all “other” systems are a go (which is to say, you have normal cholesterol, blood pressure, normal resting EKG and no signs of prostate problems), I, and many physicians, feel the best way to take testosterone, is via a cream, gel, or patch, with 50 to 100 mg per gram for men, and 1 to 6 milligrams per gram for women, if needed. The gel or cream can be compounded by a pharmacist with an absorption level approaching 15 to 30%. So the average absorption of 100 to 150 mg a week can be as effective as injection for many men. Ron Rothenberg MD, UC San Diego Professor, says that around half the men he sees for anti-aging use gel, or injection IM, and less than 10% use HCG to stimulate their own production of testosterone  and 5% use pellets (surgically implanted). I believe that a combination of these therapies will meet the most demanding man’s needs.
For example, creams yield more DHT which makes a man feel sexual and get erections with ease. The injections help to firm up the body with better muscle density and less estrogen conversion. The HCG tends to assist in the cosmetic issue of testicle size, because it increases the man’s own production of testosterone.
Testosterone used properly with knowledge of estrogen metabolism can actually improve prostate health. Studies are showing those with higher testosterone have lower rates of prostate cancer, those with higher estrogens have higher risk of prostate cancer. Testosterone can improve diabetes and strengthen arteries to reduce cholesterol and associated heart problems. The journal Neurology, implicates low testosterone levels in men with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Another disadvantage of high dose testosterone injections (beside too much flux in steady T blood value), is that this practice, done too often, can increase the thickness of your blood (viscosity) because your hematocrit (measure of red blood cell count) and hemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen in the red blood cell) both increase.
"Synthetic Roids"
Reports are (believe it or not) some pro physique competitors are using upwards of 2,000-4,000 mg. of Testosterone every week.
This is of course quite dangerous. Such an individual could hopefully decrease the risk from what could happen (stroke or heart attack),with a blood donation, once or twice a year. To further offset problems these men should work out very hard and do aerobics for coronary flow and eat very low Trans fat. They should not drink alcohol or smoke. Moreover, they are going to have enormous shrinkage of their own testes and an acutely and chronically depressed pituitary-testicle loop, such that, if and when they discontinue said dosages, it may be a very long time (if ever again), that they will produce normal counts of sperm, that have proper motility and viscosity, sufficient to be able to cause conception.
Now it should be noted that impotence is separate from sterility.
Impotency has been known to occur with the use of synthetic- Deca Durabolin, because it is chemically different than natural testosterone, and may leave chemicals in the body that are unnatural and counter productive to sexual function and good health. The oral steroid known as oxymethelone (one trade name is Anadrol-50), was developed specifically for Fanconi’s anemia. Colloquially, anemia is “iron-poor blood” due to low RBC count. Using Testosterone creams will negate increases in viscosity, since there’s rarely, any significant increase in RBC count. Overuse of synthetic testosterone (injected or some taken orally), or metabolically-produced excesses, can create excess estrogen in the male. In tissues sensitive to the process of estrogen conversion and deposition, it can manifest as localized and hardened fat deposits. One such condition is known gynecomastia. There are some drugs used to deal with this, but once the tissue significantly forms and hardens, surgery is the most likely solution.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Low Testosterone and Life Parameters

A recent study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research showed that testosterone is inversely correlated to the major factors that lead to a host of complications that limit and lower quality of life, leading to less mobility and longevity, and a higher risk of death.
The researchers out of the Medical Hospital of Norway found that the Lowest Levels of Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone are found in men with pronounced abdominal obesity. They also revealed a link between Low Testosterone and High Systolic Blood Pressure, and that Total and Free Testosterone was inversely related to risk of hypertension. Subjects with diabetes also showed diminished testosterone levels, even without a prior history.
The researchers also discovered strong associations between low testosterone and several different components of metabolic syndrome. They then concluded that testosterone plays a significant protectionist role in the development of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
One of the biggest things you can to make sure you keep your testosterone levels at optimum levels, helping you keep lean muscle, and speed up your metabolism is keep your waist line under control. They found that Free Testosterone (what is available for your body to use) had a direct inverse relationship with waist circumference (WC) and Body Mass Index (BMI).
Subjects with a WC over 40 inches (102 centimeters) had significantly lower testosterone levels. Even after adjustments for BMI a measure of overall fatness. The lowest quartile of testosterone levels, were all in the highest quartile of WC, BMI, and Conicity Index (index of central obesity).
It is unclear whether the obesity causes low testosterone or if low testosterone causes obesity, but we do know having high testosterone is guaranteed to keep fat off of your midsection.
To help boost your testosterone there are three steps that will increase testosterone levels synergenically, or individually. It is recommended that you implement at least two of the following recommendations.
1.)    Increasing Testosterone with High Intensity Exercise. All strength training exercises help boost testosterone, but the ones that are most effective are compound exercises recruiting multiple muscle groups. These include but are not limited to, Overhead Presses, Squat Variations, Dead-Lifts, Pull-Ups, and other Olympic Style Lifts.
Interval training has also been shown to increase testosterone levels over 350% more than steady paced cardio (i.e. jogging, cycling, spinning, etc). You need to go at a 9/10 intensity, then recover at a 3/10 intensity.
2.)    Increasing your testosterone through a scientifically proven diet. It has been clinically shown that diets high in fat (40% intake of calories), low to moderate intake of carbohydrates coming mainly from vegetables and other low GI foods (20-35% intake of calories), and moderate consumption of proteins, coming mainly from animal sources (20-30% intake of calories).
3.)    Hormone Replacement therapy may be right for you, if the above two recommendations do not increase your testosterone to optimum levels. If you are interested in HRT, you should contact a certified anti-aging doctor in your area.
So, make sure you boost your testosterone to avoid a whole host of health risks, as well as mitigate any damage you may be currently experiencing.
Remember Aging is Inevitable, But Looking and Feeling Old is Optional.

Low Testosterone Related to Men

Testosterone is a big word and in the American penchant for simplifying, has been abbreviated as just "T". American men are becoming conscious of age related loss of testosterone and the resulting Low Testosterone Symptoms that compromise their quality of life. The expression Low T is becoming part of the male lexicon.
It seems to be easier and less threatening to the male ego to say "I think I may have "Low T", rather than the more formal "low testosterone". Or in communicating with male friends, "Do you think you may have low T?".
Testosterone levels start to decline in the late 20's. Most men will feel the effects of low T beginning at about age 35. Symptoms include the following:
  • Male Depression, or loss of eagerness and enthusiasm for daily life.
  • Low Energy in men.
  • Decreased mental quickness.
  • Decreased desire for physical activity.
  • Decreased desire for intimacy - reduced sex drive in men and function.
  • Decreased muscle tone. Weight gain in men, increase in body fat, particularly around the mid-section.
  • Night sweats and trouble sleeping.
  • Mild to moderate irritability, including mood swings in men.
When we initially tell people what we do, they immediately assume men want their sex drive back. Yes they do, however, the most common statement of potential clients is "I just want to feel better" and that translates into losing the depression they might not be aware they have. They have lost their "zest for life", as some men describe it.
Low T symptoms come on slowly. As a result men often have a difficult time admitting to feeling less than optimal because they have adjusted to the feeling and do not remember what it was like to feel good. Plus, admitting to low hormones in this case - Low Testosterone , is not the manly thing to do.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Low Testosterone and Erectile Dysfunction

Low testosterone levels in men is coming to the fore-front of many researchers simply because it is so often found to be a factor often co-existing with many other medical conditions. Be it heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, metabolic syndrome and now also with depression.
In a recent study of nearly 4,000 elderly men (older than 70 years of age), it was found that depression was twice as likely to be a problem where there was found to be low levels of Testosterone. Yes, there were men older than 70 with adequate levels of hormones that were occasional sufferers of depression - this article is NOT saying that testosterone is an anti-depressant.
But as is now well understood by long-term research on depression, exercise and an active and involved lifestyle is the real solution to the problem, and so testosterone is being seen as an important consideration when the activity levels of patients is taken into account.
Active people rarely get depressed. Higher levels of testosterone do naturally lead to more active people.
Even when taking into account the advanced years of the research participants, their general health and other issues like obesity - the research held that the lower instances of depression were found in men with normal hormonal levels.
ED (or erectile dysfunction to give it its full name) is another well documented problem suffered by men with generally low levels of testosterone. When digging deeper into the issues, often erection problems are found to be related to atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries which translates into difficulty supplying the penis with sufficient blood flows to maintain an erection. The main related diseases to atherosclerosis of metabolic syndrome (cholesterol problems), diabetes and insulin resistance and also obesity all have direct relationships to men with low testosterone.
And then there is the issue of men with high blood pressure. And this is a double-edged sword. One the one hand it has been demonstrated by research than men with low T levels are well over two times more likely to suffer from high blood pressure - the same can also be said for those men with much too high a level. That is, some men who are being ridiculous with their testosterone replacement therapy and are in effect overdosing on it have created high blood pressure problems.

Can Low Testosterone Be Treated

As men grow older, testosterone levels gradually decrease. This is quite natural and there is nothing to be alarmed about. However, there are some lifestyles that exacerbate the situation and the drop in testosterone levels could happen faster than is the norm. In either case, the drop in the levels of this essential hormone can cause significant effects to the quality of your lifestyle. Men with this condition also known as hypogonadism suffer from extreme levels of irritability, low energy levels, constantly feeling exhausted, low libido and poor quality of intimacy.
In the olden days, this was considered untreatable and written off simply as a fact of growing old. The problem is that sometimes this situation is encountered even by men that have not even reached the age of forty. To make matters worse, once a male observes this condition, he starts worrying about it even more and that causes undue mental stress which aggravates an already strained system. It is the purpose of this article to let the readers know that there are remedies available in the market today with the advances in medicine that have been made in the last few years.
The first step to take obviously is to fix an appointment with your doctor who can then refer you to a urologist. Blood tests performed will indicate if in fact you have abnormally low testosterone levels. If you do not have other prostate problems such as prostate cancer and if the doctor deems that your pituitary function is normal, then they may consider you as a potential candidate for testosterone replacement therapy. Of course, the doctor has to make sure that there are not other conflicting factors that may pose a danger to you by introducing external hormonal medication.
Several methods of hormonal replacement therapies are available, including injections. However, the most commonly used drugs are available in gel forms and patch forms. These medicines gradually introduce the hormone into your body throughout the course of the day and build back the levels to normal limits. It is imperative that you consult your medical practitioner and follow all of the instructions both from your physician and the pharmacist as well as the labels on your medication. So take the first step and consult your doctor. Treatments are available and take advantage of the advances in medicine today.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Effect of Low Testosterone Levels on a Man's Life

If you are a man you should know what your testosterone level is as this is a major factor in determining the quality of your life. It has been scientifically established that men start losing testosterone at 10% a decade after the age of 30. This situation leaves little untouched in a man's body and psyche and can have a profound effect on their health.
Testosterone has many functions and is responsible for many of the attributes men have. It plays a key role in almost everything from building emotional well-being and self-confidence to affecting how fat, fit or strong you are. It governs your mood, and gives a person a general feeling of well being and makes people feel good.
Many people believe that low testosterone levels as something that just affects older men, but even men in their 30's and 40's can also fall prey to low testosterone levels. But out of 100 men only 95 will seek treatment - often because they just accept the symptoms as a "normal" part of getting older.
Although it is considered normally as a male hormone, women produce small amounts of it too which helps maintain the strength of muscle and bone mass. Testosterone is a hormone that is also very important for people wanting to shed excess body fat while preserving (or even gaining) lean muscle tissue. In fact, hormones such as testosterone are one reason why you can lose weight on the bathroom scales without being able to shift the fat that seems to be glued to your stomach refusing to budge.
Constant fatigue from lack of proper exercise and poor nutrition is well documented. However, low testosterone is also one of the major causes of fatigue, limited motivation, depression, low self esteem, loss of lean muscle mass and bone density, weight gain, lack of mental alertness, hair loss, lack of energy, feeling tired and flat and mood swings.
Along a general loss of youthfulness and vitality this is not really a recipe for a life full of energy, strength, get-up-and-go or zest for living and life.
It is important to know that lack of proper physical activity can affect your testosterone production negatively. All of the above symptoms are the same as you would have if you do not include enough muscle building and maintaining exercise in your life.
The solution is so simple. Get yourself to your local gym or fitness center and get yourself started on a proper program of mostly strength training exercise. A strength training program effects testosterone directly by 'waking up' and stimulating its release.
The duration, intensity (degree of effort used) and frequency of exercise will determine the circulating levels of testosterone. Testosterone levels increase most with short intense bursts of activity such as during strength training, while it decreases with prolonged activity such as jogging or cycling. During steady state, endurance activity testosterone is needed to maintain muscle but frequent extended training doesn't allow for repair and recovery of testosterone and tissue damage occurs.
Construction and manual workers provide a real life example of these concepts. It has been observed for many years that men who sit at a desk all day and perform no physical activity are frequently listless, tired and down in the dumps as well as not being as strong and muscular as men who perform more intense activity as part of their work day.
But by simply putting that work back into your life with a proper program of strength training exercise you can restore much of the vigor and vitality that makes a man a 'man'. This will dramatically improve the way you look, the way you feel and the way you perform in all aspects of your life.
Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!"
If you are looking to lose weight permanently go to Fitness Weight Loss for a free ebook and check out the new Hot Metabolism Fitness System.
Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger. In her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards being strong, fit and youthful at any age.

Consequences of Ignoring the Condition of Low Testosterone

Men over 30 are constantly bombarded with recommendations about checking their blood pressure, testing for prostate cancer, checking cholesterol and the list goes on and one. After a 20 year full court press by the media it is OK and quite in vogue to talk openly about erectile dysfunction and millions of men have no problem talking to their doctor about E.D. But mention testosterone and suddenly you enter the world of the taboo. Thanks to the media and governments anti-station campaigns many men view testosterone boosting as an evil and dangerous proposition.
If you are over 30 and experiencing any of these issues: Decrease in libido (sex drive), low fertility, erectile dysfunction, headaches, low energy, high stress, Depression, increase in body fat, decrease in weight, sadness, grumpiness, low immune system, memory loss and reduced muscle strength. You should talk to your doctor about getting your testosterone levels checked. Unfortunately, many men have no problem treating the symptoms of low testosterone individually but never treat the root problem, low testosterone. They end up on Viagra, anti-depressants, drink 5 cups of coffee just to get going. They are grumpy and take more medications to help control their weight, when all along they just need normal testosterone levels.
Many men are also too embarrassed to talk about a low testosterone condition with their partner or doctor as they believe it's a sign they are losing their masculinity. Don't be! It's one of best things you can do for your health. People who care about you will not judge you for a medical condition that is beyond your control.
Unfortunately, life and society are killers of testosterone much in the same way that smoking and fast food lead to cancer; stress, age, diet, alcohol, monogamy and a long list of other factors lead to low testosterone. In many cases even the slightest rebalancing of your levels can lead to an exponential increase in a man's overall quality of life. Benefits of returning testosterone levels to normal include; increased sex drive and better erections, increased bone density, improved mood, better concentration, increased muscle mass, and the list goes on and on. Many doctors are now looking at testosterone therapy as a powerful tool in the prevention of cancer and Alzheimer's.
So if you are over 30, put aside the propaganda and negative stereotypes about "steroids" and have a serious conversation with you doctor about your testosterone levels, you may find a massive improvement in the quality of your life and never have a need for anti depressants of erectile dysfunction medications.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Testosterone Treatment With Type 2 Diabetes

The reports of doctors that treating male type 2 diabetics who have low testosterone levels with replacement testosterone can greatly reduce insulin resistance. The boost to testosterone levels resulted in better control of blood sugar levels. About a third of men who have type 2 diabetes have low cholesterol levels. A common genetic problem among type 2 diabetic men whose ancestors came from Britain or Ireland is iron overload, which gradually shrinks testicular tissue so that their testosterone levels fall. Lower testosterone levels occurs at the same time as higher blood sugars levels. Dr. Jones found that testosterone replacement therapy was not a miracle cure for type 2 diabetes, but it usually lowered HbA1c levels by about 0.5%. Low-dose testosterone therapy also increases libido and sexual performance but it does not increase the risk of prostate problems, as long as the testosterone injections and gels are taken as directed. Dr. Hugh Jones also reported that many of his patients dropped out of the study because of allergic reactions to his particular formula. If insurance won't pay for testosterone replacement therapy, type 2 diabetic men who have testosterone levels in the 200's or lower, have a natural alternative. The herb extract chrysin will not increase testosterone production, but it will help a man's body to conserve testosterone. Like testosterone injections or gels, chrysin takes about six months to work, but it may lower blood sugar levels even as it bolsters manly characteristics.
Men with type 2 diabetes should not attempt to raise testosterone levels with androstenedione. This popular supplement is proven to raise testosterone levels... but in women. One study found that taking no more than 300 mg of this supplement a day, might raise testosterone levels in older men. Unfortunately a similar dose raises estrogen levels in younger men. This is a supplement that men with type 2 diabetes are probably better off leaving alone.
When carefully questioned, approximately 50 per cent of males with type 2 diabetes will admit to difficulty with their sexual function. This difficulty usually shows itself in the form of erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to have or sustain an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. Reasons besides insufficient production of the hormone testosterone include:
  • overproduction of a hormone from your brain, called prolactin
  • trauma to your penis
  • medications to lower high blood pressure (anti hypertensives) and antidepressants
  • poor blood supply to your penis due to blockage of the artery due to peripheral vascular disease
The failure of erection in type 2 diabetics is is also determined by the degree of control of your blood sugar levels, better control of blood sugar levels is associated with fewer problems. Would you like more information about alternative ways to handle your type 2 diabetes?

Low Testosterone Therapy

When you have low levels of the hormone testosterone, you can tell. The desire for sex just isn't there. If you do get the urge, it can be difficult to rise to the occasion. When you manage to get an erection, it often fails quickly, leaving both you and your partner disappointed. It is no wonder that men with low testosterone levels are more prone to depression. Low testosterone therapy is needed to restore hormone levels.
Modern medicine's answer to the problem is testosterone replacement therapy. While this may increase hormone levels, it can make you moody or aggressive, shrink your testicles, decrease fertility or cause breast enlargement. These side effects have led many men to choose natural methods instead.
Adaptogens are natural substances, often herbs, that work through the adrenal glands to balance and restore the body's natural state. In terms of hormones such as testosterone, production is adjusted to return levels to normal. Maca root, horny goat weed, yohimbe, herba cistanche, ashwagandha, muira puama, and tribulus terrestris are all herbs with adaptogenic properties, making them excellent supplements for low testosterone therapy.
Low Testosterone Therapy
In studies, maca root was also found to improve libido levels and sperm production. Animals given extracts of this herb increased the frequency of mating and mating attempts by a full 100%. Semen production was increased by 180%. It is not unusual to find doctors that not only prescribe the herb to their patients, but also take it themselves.
Horny goat weed contains a compound called icariin. Icariin increases nitric oxide levels, relaxing muscles in smooth muscles such as those in the penis. Relaxed muscles are capable of larger blood volume, which is why this herb is known for giving long-lasting, rock hard erections. It also works similar to Viagra by blocking the activity of PDE-5, the enzyme responsible for inhibiting erections.
Yohimbe is commonly used for erectile dysfunction. Research has shown that yohimbine, the main constituent in the herb, increases blood flow into the penis while preventing blood from exiting. This allows men taking the herb to not only achieve a powerful erection, but maintain it.
Herba cistanche stimulates sexual activity. It has been used as a treatment for impotence and premature ejaculation. In China, it has a reputation as an herb that boosts energy levels and restores overall vitality. As a circulation aid, it ensures the penis is supplied with plenty of blood flow to power erections.
Ashwagandha is sometimes called Indian ginseng because its actions mirror that of ginseng. Specifically, the herb boosts energy levels, improves stamina, and promotes sexual function. An added benefit of this herb is its reduction of joint pain. You may find yourself wanting to get a copy of the Kama Sutra and try some new positions.
Increased libido, better erections, and improved sexual endurance can all be yours by taking muira puama. Brazilians prize this herb for its effects on their sex life. It has a highly revered reputation as an aphrodisiac in the country.
While tribulus terrestris is considered a noxious weed by many in the US, it is an excellent sex-boosting herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It has long been used to improve libido and erections in USA.
I've been treating myself, and my clients with these natural herbs for years, and have recently discovered one product that stands head and shoulders above the rest. The ingredient list includes 13 of the most potent Testosterone boosters on the planet.
The increase in sexual drive and energy is very profound and powerful every time I take it. If you're looking to boost your sex drive quickly and naturally, I highly recommend that you look into this supplement.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Safe Treatment for Low Testosterone

Low testosterone or hypogonadism as it is medically known, affects more than five million men in the United States today. Testosterone, the male hormone is produced mainly in the testicles and is necessary for the normal development and growth of the male body.
During puberty boys will begin to develop male characteristics such as a deepening in their voice, maturation and growth of their male organs, development of body hair, sperm production, sexual drive and desires, and development of muscle mass and physical strength. Throughout the male lifetime testosterone is the main contributing hormone to a healthy body composition and healthy sexual function in the male.
Some of the causes of low testosterone in the male body can be related to different factors such as, genetics, testicular injury or infection, exposure to toxins, chemotherapy, radiation, diabetes, aids, and the most common reason, aging.
The symptoms experienced by men with low testosterone include tiredness and fatigue, a loss of interest in sex, erectile dysfunction, depression; a loss of physical strength and muscle mass, decreased bone density, which can increase the risk for osteoporosis, and an increase in abdominal fat, along with the difficulty of concentration.
Diagnosis and Treatment
It is advised to contact a family physician to diagnose hypogonadism and to have a complete physical examination and a blood test that will reveal the level of testosterone present in the body.
The physician will make a determination based on his findings and move forward from there for treatment. Depending on the findings, the physician will begin Testosterone Replacement Therapy or they may recommend that you see a urologist or an endocrinologist.
There are different treatment options for Testosterone Replacement Therapy which are available to normalize testosterone levels in those who are experiencing hypogonadism. The three most common treatments available are intramuscular injections (which are given at 2-3 week intervals), testosterone patches that are applied daily, and an easy and convenient gel that is rubbed onto the skin daily. These medications are only available by prescription from a physician who will work with the patient for just the right dosage.
With Testosterone Replacement Therapy the patient will have improved bone density, increased muscle mass, decreased body fat, improvement of erectile dysfunction and sexual performance, and an increased in sexual drive.
There are some possible side effects to testosterone therapy such as an increase in red blood cell count (this can occur with intramuscular injections in men who smoke), a significant reduction in sperm count, an increase in prostate size, and sleep apnea. Keep in mind that not all patients will be affected by the side effects that are noted.
The good news is that with diagnosis and treatment of low testosterone a man can live a healthier, happier, and fuller life.

Causes of Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone refers to low levels on the testosterone hormone inside the bloodstream. This condition is diagnosed after methodical diagnostic tests wherein blood and saliva samples are sought from the patient. However, just before initiating a treatment, the result in of low testosterone should be established. A bring about of low testosterone is extra categorized as either a principal or secondary cause.
The main causes refer to symptoms origination because of difficulties in the organs primarily responsible for synthesizing testosterone. These conditions are usually known as hypogonadism, i.e. a nation of lowered or impaired testosterone production within the gonads. In between males, this refers to a medical difficulty during the testicles although in females it refers to impaired testosterone synthesis during the ovaries.
Low Testosterone Causes-Primary Hypogonadism is caused due to:
. Undescended Testicles-this condition is established during fetal development once the testes don't descend to the scrotal sac, leading to severe lack of testosterone.
. Cancer Treatment-chemotherapy or radiation therapy is known to obtain several side-effects and this includes harm towards interstitial cells present in the testes that are chiefly responsible for producing testosterone. Ovulation in women can be permanently harmed by radiation therapy.
. Aging-testosterone levels go through a natural method of depletion as the individual ages. This is applicable to both men and women.
. Frequent Ovarian Conditions-in some women, the surgical removal of ovaries is needed to arrest a spreading infection. Some women have a condition referred to as PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or Stein-Leventhal syndrome. This condition is most common in women of childbearing age. That is essentially a region of severe hormonal abnormality that always leads to infertility by causing hormonal imbalance. During PCOS, testosterone levels tend to rise and fall without any particular pattern.
Low Testosterone Causes-Secondary Hypogonadism
If the low testosterone is because of inactivity of other organs involved in testosterone synthesis, the symptoms are referred to as Secondary Hypogonadism. Secondary (or Tertiary) hypogonadism is established when testosterone production in other testosterone-producing areas like the hypothalamus-pituitary pathway or adrenal gland is affected. Pituitary-related hypogonadism is referred to as tertiary hypogonadism although it is always clubbed with secondary causes.
Causes for Secondary Hypogonadism:
. Trauma to the pituitary gland as a result of tumor or radiation therapy sought for treating tumors.
. Hypothalamus malformations that will be induced by rare problems like Kallman's Syndrome.
. Impaired blood flow towards adrenal or pituitary gland due to blood loss induced by an accident.
. Inflammation as a result of diseases like tuberculosis that are known to impair activity in the pituitary. Similarly, HIV and AIDS can lead to inflammation of hypothalamus or pituitary.
. Obesity is recognized to promote the conversion of free testosterone into female hormones like estrogen.
. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia or adrenal gland atrophy present at the time of birth can impair the testosterone-producing capability of adrenal glands.
. Alcoholism and prostate cancer can induce phases of reduced testosterone production, i.e. due to severe illnesses that weaken the entire metabolic activities of an individual.
. Use of addictive substances like barbiturates or anticonvulsant drugs is identified to have a detrimental effect over a synthesis of testosterone.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Low Testosterone in women

Low testosterone women and low testosterone in women symptoms are related to hormone levels in the woman's body. Testosterone production in a woman is about 10% of the amount typically made by a man. Testosterone is produced primarily in a woman's ovaries and adrenal glands.
Along with the two other vital hormones -- progesterone and estrogen -- testosterone production declines as a woman ages. Low testosterone women may experience certain symptoms, the most notable symptom being low libido. However, low testosterone in women can also contribute to depression and osteoporosis.
Harvard-trained family physician Dr. John R. Lee describes his experience with low testosterone women in the book. He reports that several clinical studies have shown that using a small amount of natural testosterone supplementation may enhance the good effects of the other hormones.
However, Dr. Lee observes that testosterone production depends on sufficient progesterone levels in the body. In the healthy human body, progesterone converts into another form of progesterone, which converts into androstenedione from which testosterone is made. If progesterone levels are too low -- common today with women in their 30's and older -- low testosterone in women may be the result. For low testosterone women, Dr. Lee recommends first using natural progesterone cream supplementation for at least six months, using dosages in the same amounts as what the body would normally produce. Dr. Lee found that natural progesterone supplementation often solved the problem of low testosterone women and low libido.
While low testosterone in women is one problem, excessive testosterone can also cause problems. Dr. Lee describes what often happens as women approach menopause and ovarian function slows. Women often show symptoms of becoming androgen dominant, and testosterone supplementation may only make this condition worse. Symptoms of androgen dominance in women include male pattern baldness and facial hair growth.
In addition, an excess of estrogen in the woman's body can result in the occurance of these same two symptoms. Clearance of testosterone from the body is related to the healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone levels. Too much estrogen slows down the clearance of testosterone, while progesterone enhances testosterone clearance. By staying in the body longer than necessary, testosterone may produce the androgenic characteristics described above. Dr. Lee found that supplementation with natural progesterone cream tended to reverse the androgen dominant characteristics.
Dr. Lee recommends that low testosterone women first use natural progesterone cream supplementation for at least six months. His experience was that frequently no testosterone supplementation was required as natural progesterone corrected the symptoms. He suggests that if low libido is still being experienced after doing progesterone supplementation for at least six months, then consider trying a small amount of natural testosterone supplementation -- approximately 0.5 - 2 mg in the mornings. If testosterone supplementation begins to produce facial hair growth and/or male pattern baldness, reduce or discontinue testosterone supplementation.
He recommends using only natural testosterone, not one of the synthetic testosterone drugs that can have undesirable side effects. You will need to consult with your physician to obtain natural testosterone which is easily available from compounding pharmacies.
Learn as much as you can about when to use natural hormone supplemention to help stay healthy and free from the symptoms associated with low testosterone in women, and understand the vital role that natural progesterone plays in women's health.

Causes of Low testosterone treatment

Testosterone is an androgenic hormone produced mainly by the testes. It is responsible for the growth of secondary sex characteristics in men. The deficiency of this hormone causes many side effects in the human body. The level of testosterone produced deceases as age advances. The level of testosterone becomes lower than that of the normal percentage in between the age of 50 and 70. This results in decreased sex drive, moodiness, and fatigue.
Low testosterone level results from the inability of testes to produce sufficient amount of the hormone. It affects the entire body system and causes many complex physiologic, chemical and hormonal changes. Low testosterone is also the outcome of decreased production of two main hormones by pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Any damage in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testicles will also affect the normal production of testosterone.
There are a number of reasons for low testosterone production. They include side effects of drug, testicular dysfunction, and elevations in the adrenal hormone cortisol. Testicular dysfunction results from damaged testicles. In addition, congenital problems such as decreased amount of male hormones and rare malformation syndromes can also result in low testosterone production. Acquired problems such as chronic illness, aging, starvation, head trauma, surgeries, cancers, infections, and alcoholism are also among the causes of low testosterone levels.
Low testosterone level in a man can be the result of his lifestyle too. Smoking, lack of exercise, excessive drinking, and unhealthy diet are the prime factors responsible for aforementioned gland damages. These can be easily modified by changing the person?s living habits. Other reasons for low level testosterone are poor circulation, hypertension, use of prescription or non-prescription medications, and psychological problems.
Low testosterone levels can be remedied by testosterone replacement therapy. An herb by name tribulus terrestris is believed to increase testosterone level in human body.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Low Testosterone Treatment With natural Supplements

Testosterone is a male sex hormone produced in the testicles and it is responsible for the maturity of men's sexual characteristics like growth of the pubic hair, deepening of the voice and sperm production. Though testosterone is considered as male sex organ, it is also produced in female ovaries in smaller quantity which promotes healthy sex life as well as general well being in women. When there is low production of this hormone particularly in men, they start to suffering from several ailments like low sex drive, poor erection, impotence, depression, low self esteem, muscle loss, obesity and some times diabetes and heart problems. In fact, the negative effect of low testosterone levels in both male and female cannot be over emphasized, since it contributes more than 70% general well being of an individual especially to the men. Just like the saying goes, "every identified problem must have solution". Therefore, low testosterone has different treatments available. Some of these treatments could be natural while others are artificial.
The use of artificial treatment in boosting testosterone level is some times recommended by some physicians to their patients. Some of these treatments include testosterone injections and capsules, hormone replacement therapy etc. Though the artificial low testosterone treatment may help restore the testosterone levels, but its side effects could be overwhelming. Some of the side effects are Mood Swing, liver diseases, prostate cancer, acne, baldness, sleep apnea, heart attacks and some times infertility due to increase in red blood cell and a decrease in sperm count.
The natural treatment of low testosterone levels is always more preferable, most recommended and with little or no after effect. Below is some of the ways you can naturally treat low testosterone levels.
• Exercise: although excessive exercise and stress can negatively affect the production of testosterone but exercise itself particularly weight training exercises help retain normal levels of testosterone. Frequent intense exercises within a short period of time assist the pituitary gland to increase the production of testosterone. Some of the exercises recommended for the treatment of low testosterone are; bench press, pull ups, squats, dead lifts etc.
• Healthy diet: eat reasonable quantity of protein to stimulate the hormone glucagon and anabolic responses necessary for sufficient testosterone production. The consumption of more vegetables and fruits, reduced intake of carbohydrate particularly those that are rich in starch and simple sugars to enhance the production of testosterone. Essential fats like those found in monounsaturated fats, flax seed and omega 3 fatty acids found in fish are also recommended for low testosterone treatment.
• Adequate rest and sleep are also necessary for low testosterone treatment.