Thursday, January 27, 2011

Low Testosterone Therapy

When you have low levels of the hormone testosterone, you can tell. The desire for sex just isn't there. If you do get the urge, it can be difficult to rise to the occasion. When you manage to get an erection, it often fails quickly, leaving both you and your partner disappointed. It is no wonder that men with low testosterone levels are more prone to depression. Low testosterone therapy is needed to restore hormone levels.
Modern medicine's answer to the problem is testosterone replacement therapy. While this may increase hormone levels, it can make you moody or aggressive, shrink your testicles, decrease fertility or cause breast enlargement. These side effects have led many men to choose natural methods instead.
Adaptogens are natural substances, often herbs, that work through the adrenal glands to balance and restore the body's natural state. In terms of hormones such as testosterone, production is adjusted to return levels to normal. Maca root, horny goat weed, yohimbe, herba cistanche, ashwagandha, muira puama, and tribulus terrestris are all herbs with adaptogenic properties, making them excellent supplements for low testosterone therapy.
Low Testosterone Therapy
In studies, maca root was also found to improve libido levels and sperm production. Animals given extracts of this herb increased the frequency of mating and mating attempts by a full 100%. Semen production was increased by 180%. It is not unusual to find doctors that not only prescribe the herb to their patients, but also take it themselves.
Horny goat weed contains a compound called icariin. Icariin increases nitric oxide levels, relaxing muscles in smooth muscles such as those in the penis. Relaxed muscles are capable of larger blood volume, which is why this herb is known for giving long-lasting, rock hard erections. It also works similar to Viagra by blocking the activity of PDE-5, the enzyme responsible for inhibiting erections.
Yohimbe is commonly used for erectile dysfunction. Research has shown that yohimbine, the main constituent in the herb, increases blood flow into the penis while preventing blood from exiting. This allows men taking the herb to not only achieve a powerful erection, but maintain it.
Herba cistanche stimulates sexual activity. It has been used as a treatment for impotence and premature ejaculation. In China, it has a reputation as an herb that boosts energy levels and restores overall vitality. As a circulation aid, it ensures the penis is supplied with plenty of blood flow to power erections.
Ashwagandha is sometimes called Indian ginseng because its actions mirror that of ginseng. Specifically, the herb boosts energy levels, improves stamina, and promotes sexual function. An added benefit of this herb is its reduction of joint pain. You may find yourself wanting to get a copy of the Kama Sutra and try some new positions.
Increased libido, better erections, and improved sexual endurance can all be yours by taking muira puama. Brazilians prize this herb for its effects on their sex life. It has a highly revered reputation as an aphrodisiac in the country.
While tribulus terrestris is considered a noxious weed by many in the US, it is an excellent sex-boosting herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It has long been used to improve libido and erections in USA.
I've been treating myself, and my clients with these natural herbs for years, and have recently discovered one product that stands head and shoulders above the rest. The ingredient list includes 13 of the most potent Testosterone boosters on the planet.
The increase in sexual drive and energy is very profound and powerful every time I take it. If you're looking to boost your sex drive quickly and naturally, I highly recommend that you look into this supplement.

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