Monday, January 31, 2011

Can Low Testosterone Be Treated

As men grow older, testosterone levels gradually decrease. This is quite natural and there is nothing to be alarmed about. However, there are some lifestyles that exacerbate the situation and the drop in testosterone levels could happen faster than is the norm. In either case, the drop in the levels of this essential hormone can cause significant effects to the quality of your lifestyle. Men with this condition also known as hypogonadism suffer from extreme levels of irritability, low energy levels, constantly feeling exhausted, low libido and poor quality of intimacy.
In the olden days, this was considered untreatable and written off simply as a fact of growing old. The problem is that sometimes this situation is encountered even by men that have not even reached the age of forty. To make matters worse, once a male observes this condition, he starts worrying about it even more and that causes undue mental stress which aggravates an already strained system. It is the purpose of this article to let the readers know that there are remedies available in the market today with the advances in medicine that have been made in the last few years.
The first step to take obviously is to fix an appointment with your doctor who can then refer you to a urologist. Blood tests performed will indicate if in fact you have abnormally low testosterone levels. If you do not have other prostate problems such as prostate cancer and if the doctor deems that your pituitary function is normal, then they may consider you as a potential candidate for testosterone replacement therapy. Of course, the doctor has to make sure that there are not other conflicting factors that may pose a danger to you by introducing external hormonal medication.
Several methods of hormonal replacement therapies are available, including injections. However, the most commonly used drugs are available in gel forms and patch forms. These medicines gradually introduce the hormone into your body throughout the course of the day and build back the levels to normal limits. It is imperative that you consult your medical practitioner and follow all of the instructions both from your physician and the pharmacist as well as the labels on your medication. So take the first step and consult your doctor. Treatments are available and take advantage of the advances in medicine today.

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