Friday, January 28, 2011

Effect of Low Testosterone Levels on a Man's Life

If you are a man you should know what your testosterone level is as this is a major factor in determining the quality of your life. It has been scientifically established that men start losing testosterone at 10% a decade after the age of 30. This situation leaves little untouched in a man's body and psyche and can have a profound effect on their health.
Testosterone has many functions and is responsible for many of the attributes men have. It plays a key role in almost everything from building emotional well-being and self-confidence to affecting how fat, fit or strong you are. It governs your mood, and gives a person a general feeling of well being and makes people feel good.
Many people believe that low testosterone levels as something that just affects older men, but even men in their 30's and 40's can also fall prey to low testosterone levels. But out of 100 men only 95 will seek treatment - often because they just accept the symptoms as a "normal" part of getting older.
Although it is considered normally as a male hormone, women produce small amounts of it too which helps maintain the strength of muscle and bone mass. Testosterone is a hormone that is also very important for people wanting to shed excess body fat while preserving (or even gaining) lean muscle tissue. In fact, hormones such as testosterone are one reason why you can lose weight on the bathroom scales without being able to shift the fat that seems to be glued to your stomach refusing to budge.
Constant fatigue from lack of proper exercise and poor nutrition is well documented. However, low testosterone is also one of the major causes of fatigue, limited motivation, depression, low self esteem, loss of lean muscle mass and bone density, weight gain, lack of mental alertness, hair loss, lack of energy, feeling tired and flat and mood swings.
Along a general loss of youthfulness and vitality this is not really a recipe for a life full of energy, strength, get-up-and-go or zest for living and life.
It is important to know that lack of proper physical activity can affect your testosterone production negatively. All of the above symptoms are the same as you would have if you do not include enough muscle building and maintaining exercise in your life.
The solution is so simple. Get yourself to your local gym or fitness center and get yourself started on a proper program of mostly strength training exercise. A strength training program effects testosterone directly by 'waking up' and stimulating its release.
The duration, intensity (degree of effort used) and frequency of exercise will determine the circulating levels of testosterone. Testosterone levels increase most with short intense bursts of activity such as during strength training, while it decreases with prolonged activity such as jogging or cycling. During steady state, endurance activity testosterone is needed to maintain muscle but frequent extended training doesn't allow for repair and recovery of testosterone and tissue damage occurs.
Construction and manual workers provide a real life example of these concepts. It has been observed for many years that men who sit at a desk all day and perform no physical activity are frequently listless, tired and down in the dumps as well as not being as strong and muscular as men who perform more intense activity as part of their work day.
But by simply putting that work back into your life with a proper program of strength training exercise you can restore much of the vigor and vitality that makes a man a 'man'. This will dramatically improve the way you look, the way you feel and the way you perform in all aspects of your life.
Do you want to discover the secret to rejuvenating your body, regaining lost vitality and improving the quality of your life? Download my free ebook "I've Found the Fountain of Youth - Let Me Show You Too!"
If you are looking to lose weight permanently go to Fitness Weight Loss for a free ebook and check out the new Hot Metabolism Fitness System.
Carolyn Hansen is a certified fitness expert and fitness center owner who coaches clients to look and feel younger. In her nearly 30 years of fitness and bodybuilding competition experience she has helped thousands of people start their journey towards being strong, fit and youthful at any age.

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