Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Consequences of Low Testosterone

The person who coined the phrase that fat people are happy was a liar and a fool. Fat people suffer much shorter lives, and the lives they do live are barely at all satisfying and probably stems from a testosterone deficiency that has greatly reduced their motivation and ability to live the sort of active life that creates increased muscle mass and reduced body fat levels. Not only is obesity and excess weight a very serious health risk, it brings on many other horrific diseases including heart and circulation problems, diabetes and premature death. Besides all of that, excess fat is a terrible look too.
The question the research has yet to uncover is which one comes first. Do people who are too fat have lower testosterone produced because they are fat, or is people who produce less testosterone the ones who then get fat. In other words, which one came first - the chicken or the egg? Generally the accepted wisdom is that there can both either cause that begins the downward spiral into a lifestyle of lack and early death. For example, a person with emotional issues who relies on comfort-food will first get fat and also will avoid living a busy lifestyle which later leads to lower levels of hormone production because the body only ever produces that amount needed by the body to sustain the life being lived.
On the other hand, there are many factors which can cause the level of hormones being produced to fall too low, mostly being the chemical additives and preservatives the large corporates have poisoned our processed foods with, as well as the pollutants in our air and water and the greatly reduced exercise levels our technological lives have brought to us since the industrial revolution.
The simple fact is that low levels of testosterone will have consequences, and none of them are pretty.

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