Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Low Testosterone Related to Men

Testosterone is a big word and in the American penchant for simplifying, has been abbreviated as just "T". American men are becoming conscious of age related loss of testosterone and the resulting Low Testosterone Symptoms that compromise their quality of life. The expression Low T is becoming part of the male lexicon.
It seems to be easier and less threatening to the male ego to say "I think I may have "Low T", rather than the more formal "low testosterone". Or in communicating with male friends, "Do you think you may have low T?".
Testosterone levels start to decline in the late 20's. Most men will feel the effects of low T beginning at about age 35. Symptoms include the following:
  • Male Depression, or loss of eagerness and enthusiasm for daily life.
  • Low Energy in men.
  • Decreased mental quickness.
  • Decreased desire for physical activity.
  • Decreased desire for intimacy - reduced sex drive in men and function.
  • Decreased muscle tone. Weight gain in men, increase in body fat, particularly around the mid-section.
  • Night sweats and trouble sleeping.
  • Mild to moderate irritability, including mood swings in men.
When we initially tell people what we do, they immediately assume men want their sex drive back. Yes they do, however, the most common statement of potential clients is "I just want to feel better" and that translates into losing the depression they might not be aware they have. They have lost their "zest for life", as some men describe it.
Low T symptoms come on slowly. As a result men often have a difficult time admitting to feeling less than optimal because they have adjusted to the feeling and do not remember what it was like to feel good. Plus, admitting to low hormones in this case - Low Testosterone , is not the manly thing to do.

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