Saturday, February 5, 2011

About Low Testosterone and Aging

Obviously, we all age. However, some people age more gracefully than others. One important reason people appear to age more rapidly than others is the level of their testosterone. At about age thirty, our testosterone level begins to decline at about 2 percent per year.
That means that by age 50, most men are producing 40 percent less testosterone than they were at age thirty. And, the testosterone production in males at age thirty is not as high as at puberty.
People with low testosterone or suffering testosterone deficiency (TD) will appear to physically and mentally age faster than someone who has higher testosterone. Low testosterone hinders the body unable to maintain our primary sex characteristics, like the penis, the scrotum, the testicles and the seminal vesicles, and our secondary sex characteristics like muscle growth, fat distribution, hair loss and others. TD also can contribute to memory loss, and the inability to concentrate.
Testosterone deficiency can occur at even earlier ages and be caused by conditions other than normal aging. Disease, damage to the hypothalamus, pituitary gland or testicles that inhibit hormone secretion and testosterone production can cause low testosterone.
Normally testes produce testosterone through a complex chain of signals that begin in the brain. This chain reaction is commonly known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. If this chain is disrupted in any way, the production of testosterone is affected.
The good news is that if you suffer low testosterone caused by an outside influence or simply by normal aging, there is an all-natural cure. That cure is the Tongkat Ali Extract, which if taken in a regular cycle will increase the production of bound and free testosterone.
The Malaysian extract is a bit of a natural wonder in that it provides so many benefits as it has done for the people of Southeast Asia for centuries. Persons suffering erectile dysfunction, low libido, poor circulation, lack of energy or signs of rapid aging are turning to Tongkat Ali for help.
The extract has gained so much notoriety as an aphrodisiac and a cure for erectile dysfunction that users forget that regular boosts to testosterone levels is beneficial to the entire anti-aging process.
Think what doses of estrogen do for women who do not want to show the signs of aging. Regular use of Tongkat Ali can have the same impact on males who want to slow the symptoms of aging and restore their libido while increasing the functionality of primary and secondary sex characteristics.

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